
Used to

Let's take a look at the grammatical form used to

We use used to to talk about something that was true in the past, but no longer is.
e.g. I used to speak Spanish very well. (Now, I don't!)
       We used to have a dog. (Now, we don't)

Another use of used to is for things that happened regularly in the past, but no longer do.
e.g. They used to go on holiday to France. (Now, they don't)
       We used to eat out every Friday. (Now, we don't)
        I used to smoke 30 cigarettes a day! (Now, I don't)

We can also use it in the negative, for something that didn't happen in the past, but now does.
e.g. I didn't use to drink tea. (But now, I do)
       She didn't use to live in the country. (But now, she does)

Note that when used to is in negative form, we do not add the 'd'. So instead of used to it is didn't use to. The same rule applies to questions. e.g. Did to use to drive a car?   not: Did you used to drive a car?

All clear? Any questions, please ask! :)