
Coronavirus lingo!

Hi there everybody! 🙋

I hope you're all doing well and keeping yourselves safe... COVID-19 is still around us so please take precautions and be careful out there! 😷😷😷🙏

I thought I'd share some of the 'COVID-19 lingo' that is being used... some I knew, some I didn't... and here are the phrases / words that I will definitely be using in these Coronavirus times. 😝 Thank you www.dictionary.com for sharing these and more (please go to https://www.dictionary.com/e/s/new-words-we-created-because-of-coronavirus/#1 for more)!

Short for 'Coronavirus'... For example: I used to be out every night, but now with the rona I've been stuck inside! 😜

This one is quite literal... All most people do nowadays is scroll on their phones or tablets reading rona news, which is pretty much doom related. We've got to stop doom-scrolling!!


We saw a lot of videos of people making 'quarantinis'!!
This is a combination of the words quarantine and martini, meaning the various martini-like cocktails people have been making and drinking during quarantine!!

And finally, coronacation... because most of us didn't go on vacation this summer, we went on a coronacation which was basically us staying indoors or staying in our town/city. 

Where did you go on your coronacation? I went to my aunt's house! 😆😆

Stay safe my wonderful English learners! 👍💗😷😊