
Enough / Too

Hello everybody!

Has anyone ever been confused as to when to use 'enough' or 'too'?
Well, I'm here today to try to set the record straight as to their use!

Let's begin with enough!
We use enough with adverbs and adjectives to express a negative statement. We use enough after an adverb/adjective, which states that something isn't as much as we would want or as much as we need.
For example:
He's not old enough to drive.      Here we've got not old enough, which means that he has not reached the right age yet to be able to drive.
They didn't study enough, so they failed the test.       Here we've got didn't study enough, which means that they should have studied more. They didn't study as much as they should have, which is why they failed the test.

Enough is usually followed by to + infinitive.
For example:
She isn't tall enough to enter  the competition.
They aren't old enough to go  to the show.

Enough can also be followed by a noun:   
I haven't got enough money  to buy a new car.
We don't have enough time  to go to the cinema.

Now let's have a look at too!
We use too before an adverb/adjective to show that something is much more than needed or wanted.
For example:
These bags are too heavy. I can't carry them!        Here we've got too heavy, which means that they are so heavy that I can't lift them and can't carry them. I either need help to carry them or I need to take things out to make them lighter.
He speaks too quickly for me to understand what he's saying.         Here we've got too quickly, which means that he speaks very fast -so fast that I can't understand him! He needs to speak slower if he wants me to understand what he's saying.

Too is also usually followed by to + infinitive.
For example:
She is too late to see  the show.
We are too old to go  camping in the woods.

Please note, that in this context too does not refer to the meaning 'as well'.
When we say something like: -"I like going to the cinema, do you?"
-"I like going to the cinema, too"    -this is different from the above use and means that I like going to the cinema as well as you.

Any questions? I hope that clears it up!

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