
Empathy vs. Sympathy

Welcome to a new feature of XAMOYELA!

It's called WORD WARS and we'll be comparing words that are often confused, in their use and/or their spelling.

The first pair is Empathy vs. Sympathy

I always stress on how much we should all value and USE dictionaries. Whether they are pocket dictionaries, learner's dictionaries, huge volumes or even digital, remember: a dictionary is our friend!! ;) ;)
One of my favorite web sites is www.dictionary.com and its blog.dictionary.com and I love reading words of the day and generally going through the various facts and slide shows presented!

Today, http://blog.dictionary.com/empathy-vs-sympathy/ will assist me in presenting the differences between these two words!

Here we go!

So, what's the difference between empathy and sympathy?
They both deal with relationships and feelings we have towards one another and towards experiences.

They both have the root word pathos which is a Greek word that means "something that happens to you", feeling, suffering...
BUT their prefixes tell a different story.

Em-pathy, comes from the Greek en-, which means in, within.
Sym-pathy, comes from the Greek syn-, which means with, together with.

SO, what exactly are their meanings?

Empathy means that you feel for the other's situation and can put yourself into their shoes and understand what they are going through, while
Sympathy means that you understand and feel compassion for the other's situation which usually includes sorrow or misfortune. This is why we send our deepest sympathy to someone when they lose a loved one.

Check out more at www.dictionary.com and I'll be back with more WORD WARS!

:) A

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