
Remember, remember the Fifth of November!!

Happy Guy Fawkes Day!!

Guy Fawkes' Night or Bonfire Night commemorates the prevention of having the House of Commons and Parliament blown up!!

The plan of the Gunpowder Plot conspirators was to assassinate James I and his government by blowing up the Parliament during the State Opening on November 5th 1605. Guy Fawkes was caught guarding 36 barrels of gunpowder in a cellar beneath the Houses of Parliament in London.
All conspirators were arrested, tortured and executed. 

Guy Fawkes' Day is not a public holiday. Business goes on as usual in all areas of work.
In some towns and cities, the municipality puts together a bonfire along with a professional fireworks display in a park for people to celebrate.
Because it is so close to Hallowe'en, celebrations sometimes combine both events.

Guy Fawkes' Night or Bonfire Night is celebrated every year on the night of November 5th across England. Fireworks and bonfires are lit (privately and publicly) and in many places, people make and burn Guy Fawkes dummies, as well! Before setting the dummy on fire, children usually go door to door asking for "A Penny for the Guy" which is spent on fireworks.

For more information, please go to: http://www.officeholidays.com/countries/united_kingdom/england/guy_fawkes_night.php
This is where I got all the above information from.

Happy Bonfire Night!!
:) :)

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