
Reading Comprehension time!!

Hi Everybody!!

Earth Day just passed this Sunday, April 22nd... did you do anything special? Did you plant a tree of spend time in nature? 🌍🌎🌏😊💝 Don't forget: We care for the Earth not only on Earth Day, but every day! 💝💝💝💝💝

So, today I've got a task for you!
In sight of Earth Day, I'd like you to do some reading!

Do you know what The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is??? It doesn't sound pretty, does it? That's because it's not. 😖

Please go to: https://www.theoceancleanup.com/great-pacific-garbage-patch/  to read all about it!

After reading, ask yourself these questions:

1. What is The Great Pacific Garbage Patch?
2. Where is The Great Pacific Garbage Patch?
3. How big is The Great Pacific Garbage Patch?
4. How does The Great Pacific Garbage Patch impact marine and human life?

Here's some help with possible unknown words:

buoyant = something that tends to float in a fluid
interannual = occurring or returning once a year
rigid = something that is not flexible
eradicate = to remove or completely destroy
vessel = a craft for travelling on water
unprecedented = something that has never been known before

You can find out more by searching on-line!
Happy Reading! 😊💪👍

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