
Wonder vs. Wander

Hi! Today's Word War is between wonder and wander... ONE letter makes ALL the difference!!

So, what do each mean?  Wonder vs. Wander

wonder is a noun and verb. As a noun wonder is 1. a state of curiosity, e.g. the wonder of human life, 2. something that causes feelings of curiosity, e.g. the wonders of space, and 3. feelings caused by something strange and surprising; admiration, e.g. She felt wonder when she reached the top of the Eiffel Tower and saw the view.

As a verb, wonder means 1. to think curiously about something or to have the desire to know something, e.g. He wondered who had painted such a beautiful picture. 2. to express doubt, e.g. They wondered if they'd ever get there in time. 3. to be amazed at, to marvel, e.g. We wondered at the sight of the pink sunset.


wander is a verb and it means 1. to move around aimlessly or without any destination. e.g. I wandered the streets to clear my head. 2. to get distracted or lose clarity from the main subject of attention. e.g. Her mind wandered and didn't hear a thing. 3. to stray from a path, a place or companion. e.g. The boat wandered amongst the tide. / He wandered a lot in his marriage and found it difficult to commit to his wife.

The most common derivatives of these two words are:
wonder - wonderful = extraordinarily good, marvellous


wander - wanderlust = the desire to wander, the irresistible impulse to travel, to have itchy feet

Use your words correctly! :) :)
Have a great day!

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