
Double Word Wars!

Hi Everybody!!

Today I've got two sets of words (one is the same in each case) which are often confused, making this post a Double Word War!!

The two sets of words are:

Flammable vs. Inflammable


Inflammable vs. Inflammatory

Let's begin.

Flammable vs. Inflammable

These two words actually mean the same thing!! YES, that's right!!!
Both words mean: 'easily bursting into flames, that can be set on fire'.

Many think that inflammable is the opposite of flammable, but it's not!!
The prefix in- used in inflammable is not negative! It means into. Into flames!

The opposite of flammable and inflammable is non-flammable or non-inflammable!


Inflammable vs. Inflammatory

We have clarified that Inflammable means easily bursting into flames. So, what's the difference with Inflammatory?

Inflammatory means 'tending to make people angry or over-excited, to arouse violent feelings'.

Inflammatory comes from the noun Inflammation, which means 'condition in which a part of the body is red, swollen and sore or itchy, especially as part of an infection'.
Inflammatory also means 'being or tending to produce inflammation'.

Let's write down some examples:

This substance is highly inflammable.

His inflammatory remarks caused chaos in the meeting.

Use these words properly!

Have a great day! :)

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