
C in nouns and S in verbs

Word Wars!!

Today I've got two examples of word sets, where one is spelt with a C and the other with an S. In both cases, the one with the C is the noun and the one with the S is the verb.

Advice vs Advise

Advice is a noun and is UNCOUNTABLE. It means recommendation.
We give advice or pieces of advice.
SO when using advice in plural, don't say "She gave me good advices." but "She gave me good pieces of advice."

e.g. My advice is to forget all about it and move on!
You don't have to take my advice, but think it over carefully.

The word advice is pronounced ad-v-ice (like a block of ICE)

Advise is a verb and means recommend.

e.g. I advised him to take the job, even though it was a temporary position.
Would you have advised him to do the same?

The word advise is pronounced ad-v-ize (zzzzzzzzzzzzzz)

Next word set is:

Licence vs License

Licence is a noun and it means permit / giving official permission to do something.

e.g. He got his driving licence when he was 18.

License is a verb and it means to give a licence / to give official permission to do something.

e.g. The restaurant is licensed to sell alcohol to over 18s.

Both licence and license are pronounced the same way.


Have a great day! :) :) 

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