
Formal Letters B1

Formal Letter writing!

Following my previous Writing post, let's jump right into Formal Writing!
Here are two B1 Formal Writing tasks, with my model answers.

Again, always read the task carefully and count your words at the end. Make necessary changes and remember: Formal letters require Formal language.
For example, instead of 'want' use 'require',
instead of 'I'm writing about...' say 'I am writing in regards to...',
at the end, always use the phrase
'I look forward to hearing from you.' (or instead of 'hearing' use any other suitable verb in -ing, according to the content of your letter.)
AND, use more passive voice structures! See examples below.

REMINDER: When we don't know the name of the recipient, we write:
Dear Sir / Madam, and end with Yours faithfully, (and your full name)
when we know the name of the recipient, e.g. Mr. Green, we write:
Dear Mr. Green, and end with Yours sincerely, (and your full name)

Here are the two writing tasks. 😀😀

Task 1

You have just spent a weekend staying at the Grand Hotel in Adelaide. When you get home you find that you have left a bag at the hotel.
Write a letter to the manager of the hotel. In your letter
  • say where you think you left the bag
  • explain why it is so important
  • tell the manager what you want him/her to do
Model answer:

Dear Sir / Madam,

I recently spent a weekend at the Grand Hotel in Adelaide and am writing in regards to a bag that was left behind. Unfortunately, I only realized that the bag was missing when I got home.

I stayed in room 212 on the nights of Saturday May 20th and Sunday May 21st and if I remember correctly I think the bag was left at the foot of the bed. I would much appreciate your assistance in locating my bag as it contains two gifts that I had bought for my children. The gifts are items my children are anxiously waiting for.

Would it be possible for you to contact me as soon as possible to inform me whether the bag has been found? If so, I would appreciate if a courier service could be arranged to send it to me. My telephone number is 012-345-6789.

I look forward to hearing from you on this urgent matter.

Yours faithfully,

Max Peters

Task Two

You live in a room in college which you share with another student. You find it very difficult to work there because he or she always has friends visiting. They have parties in the room and sometimes borrow your things without asking you.

Write a letter to Mrs. Peters, the Accommodation Officer at the college and ask for a new room next term You would prefer a single room. Explain your reasons.
Begin your letter Dear Mrs. Peters,

Model answer:

Dear Mrs. Peters,

I am writing to you in regards to the room I share on Star Campus with my fellow student George Glass. I am afraid I need to request a new room, as soon as possible, preferably a single.

Although George is a nice young man, he always seems to have friends visiting and he is constantly arranging parties in our room. The noise, the number of people and the duration of these parties have been affecting my ability to keep up with my studies. Also, George has been quite rude to me, not only because of his bad behaviour, but also because he borrows my things without even asking. He does not consider my feelings and is clearly not interested in doing well in college as much as I am.

In view of this situation, I would like to be moved to a single room where I can concentrate on my studies without any interruptions. If this can not be done immediately, then next term will be fine.

Thank you for your assistance.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Colin Brooks

Both tasks are a little over 150 words. They weren't that hard, were they?? 😉😊 

Now it's  your turn!! 😎😎😁😁📧📧

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