
Discreet vs Discrete

Word Wars Wednesday!!

Today's word wars is between discreet and discrete.
So, what's the difference?

I've seen people write discrete when they really mean discreet and here's my chance to clarify the two adjectives once and for all!

So, both words are adjectives, BUT they mean different things.

discreet (adj) = keeping a secret or showing good judgement in what you say or do / not being too obvious.

e.g. She's a very discreet person. She behaves diplomatically and she can keep a secret. I think she'll be perfect for the job!

whereas discrete (adj) = separate / distinct

e.g. You are talking about two very discrete qualities, which we have to research more. We need to be sure about how they will affect the project before we approve it.

I hope I've cleared these two up for everyone!!
Have a wonderful Wednesday! 😁😎⭐

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