
Beat Boredom!

Hi Everybody!

Article time!

http://www.pickthebrain.com/ is filled with lots of information and interesting articles for you to go through and enjoy.
I've picked one for today, which sounds very much like how most of us feel when we get caught up in routine and end up feeling bored.

So, go to http://www.pickthebrain.com/blog/16-ways-beat-boredom-make-day-spontaneous/ to read the article! I hope you enjoy it!

Here's a sneak peek...
I've chosen six of the sixteen mentioned ways to beat boredom. Do you agree with me?

1. Dance!!
Well, yeah!! Don't save your dance moves only for parties! Get moving and lift your mood, with or without music!! :)

2. Offer someone a hand.
True. When you help someone, even if it's just helping an elderly person cross the street, you feel better and you never know... helping a stranger in need might even bring about a new friendship!

3. Take a wrong turn.
I like this one! Of course, be sure you have enough time to do this!! Change your route and discover new places around your area! You might just find some great new places.

4. Start a new hobby.
Sure, we don't have a lot of free time, but when we do, let's not waste it -let's use it to do something new! Whether that be drawing, painting, crafting, knitting or even reading, you'll benefit from having a new hobby!

5. Connect with an old friend.
It's become so easy to disconnect with our friends... we end up losing touch without even noticing.
Don't fret about the time lost. Make up for it. Re-connect! :)

6. Offer to teach someone.
Teaching can be very rewarding and you don't have to commit yourself for a long period of time.
For example, you can teach someone who is computer illiterate how to use e-mail or if you're good at something like drawing or knitting you could teach someone how to get started (or how to improve their own skills).
Even when learning languages, helping each other out and teaching each other things we haven't understood or don't know, can give us a chance to practice and keep ourselves from getting bored!

Have a great day!

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